Saturday, 26 August 2017

Option trading account singapura

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Kalau sudah mahir baru pakai uang asli. Siapapun anda. Apa pun profesi anda PNS, Karyawan, Pengusaha, Pelajar, Iburumah tangga, Pensiunan, Pemuda putus sekolah. Bahkan Pengangguran bisa berkesempatan untuk sukses. Ayo belajar mendulang U dollar. PRINSIP PENGAJARAN KAMI: Kalau ingin menjadi seorang Trader yang Sukses adalah BUKAN bagaimana caranya mendapat UNTUNG BANYAK. Bagaimana cara agar TIDAK GAMPANG RUGI. Kalau Ingin menjadikan Trading sebagai Trader atau Perdagangan Jangka Panjang yang Bukan Perdagangan sekaligus untung banyak. Tapi Untung Yang KONSISTEN Agar bisa menjadi Trader yang Mantab. Tidak SEMBRONO Tidak GRUSA-GRUSU. Tidak SEMBARANGAN Perlu Latihan dan Kerja keras. Anda harus belajar dalam waktu yang tidak singkat. Faktor Psikologi sembuh 75 untuk bertahan sebagai seorang Trader, sementara yang 25 adalah tehknik tehknik Trading. Jangan bergantung tehknik yang 25 Untuk menjadi trader yang handal. Untuk menjadi seorang trader yang awet tahan sampai jangka panjang dan bisa untuk hidup mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga. Anda harus menyesuaikan faktor psikologi. Money Management dan juga Pengalaman Pengalaman dalam ber-Trading RAIHLAH SUKSES BERSAMA KAMI Ikuti panduan belajar OnLine Reguler TRADING OPTION Hubungi TRADING CEPAT 15 MENIT Alamat Bimbingan Belajar Pemula 8211 Mahir Jl. Raya Arjuno X34 8211 Junggo 8211 Kota Batu Telphone SMS 0857 3316 5456 - 081 252 61 3456 Pin BB. 5842FA33 Group Facebook facebookgroups943984095673683 e-mail. Mrsoeyonogmail Ayo bersama mendulang dollar. 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Adjusted Options - Opsi saham non-standar dengan persyaratan yang disesuaikan untuk harga pada perubahan besar dalam struktur modal saham yang mendasarinya. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Adjusted Options. All-or-None (AON) Order - Perintah yang harus benar-benar terisi atau tidak akan dieksekusi. Ini adalah urutan yang berguna untuk pedagang opsi yang mengeksekusi strategi opsi kompleks yang perlu diisi dengan tepat. Jenis Perintah Pilihan Dijelaskan. Opsi Gaya Amerika - Kontrak opsi yang dapat dilakukan setiap saat antara tanggal pembelian dan tanggal kadaluwarsa. Sebagian besar pilihan yang diperdagangkan di bursa adalah gaya Amerika. Baca Tutorial Pada Pilihan Gaya Amerika. Arbitrase - Pembelian dan penjualan instrumen keuangan secara simultan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari perbedaan harga. Pedagang opsi sering mencari perbedaan harga dari kontrak opsi yang sama antara opsi pertukaran yang berbeda, sehingga menguntungkan dari perdagangan bebas risiko. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Opsi Arbitrase. Mintalah Harga - Seperti yang digunakan dalam penawaran frase dan menanyakannya adalah harga di mana penjual potensial bersedia menjual. Cara lain untuk mengatakan ini adalah harga yang diminta untuk apa yang seseorang jual. Anda membeli kontrak opsi dan saham pada harga Ask mereka. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Pilihan Harga. Tetapkan - untuk menunjuk seorang penulis pilihan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya menjual saham (call option writer) atau membeli saham (put option writer). Penulis menerima pemberitahuan tugas dari Options Clearing Corporation. Read More About Options Assignment. Pada Uang - Bila harga opsi pemogokan sama dengan harga saham yang berlaku. Read More About At The Money Options. Latihan Otomatis - Prosedur perlindungan dimana Opsi Kliring Corporation mencoba melindungi pemegang opsi uang yang habis masa berlakunya dengan secara otomatis menggunakan opsi atas nama pemegangnya. Perdagangan otomatis - Kesepakatan tiga arah agar broker pilihan Anda secara otomatis melakukan perdagangan yang direkomendasikan oleh layanan penasihat pilihan Anda. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Auto-Trading. Backspread - lihat Reverse Strategy. Baca Selengkapnya Tentang Backspreads. Barrier Options - Pilihan eksotik yang ada atau tidak ada saat harga tertentu tercapai. Read More About Barrier Options Berikut Bearish - Pendapat yang memperkirakan penurunan harga, baik oleh pasar umum atau oleh saham biasa, atau keduanya. Strategi Opsi Bearish - Berbagai cara untuk menggunakan opsi agar keuntungan dari pergerakan ke bawah di saham yang mendasarinya. Baca tutorial tentang Strategi Opsi Bearish. Bear Spread - strategi pilihan yang membuat keuntungan maksimalnya saat stok dasar menurun dan memiliki risiko maksimal jika harga saham naik. Strategi tersebut dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik menempatkan atau memanggil. Dalam kedua kasus, opsi dengan harga mencolok yang lebih tinggi dibeli dan satu dengan harga mencolok lebih rendah dijual, kedua opsi umumnya memiliki tanggal kedaluwarsa yang sama. Lihat juga Bull Spread. Strategi Opsi Perpustakaan. Bear Trap - Ada pergerakan turun yang secara teknis belum dikonfirmasi yang mendorong investor untuk bearish. Biasanya mendahului demonstrasi yang kuat dan sering menangkap orang yang tidak waspada. Beta - Angka yang menunjukkan kecenderungan historis dari harga saham bergerak dengan pasar saham secara keseluruhan. Harga Penawaran - Harga pembelian calon pembeli dari Anda. Ini berarti Anda menjual dengan Harga Penawaran. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Pilihan Harga. BidAsk Spread - Perbedaan antara harga penawaran dan permintaan yang berlaku. Umumnya, kontrak pilihan yang lebih likuid cenderung memiliki BidAsk Spread yang lebih ketat sementara kontrak opsi yang kurang likuid dan diperdagangkan tipis cenderung memiliki BidAsk Spread yang lebih luas. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Pilihan Harga. Pilihan Biner - Pilihan yang memberi Anda pengembalian tetap pada saat berakhirnya uang dengan kadaluarsa atau tidak sama sekali. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Binary Options. Model Black-Scholes - Rumus matematika yang dirancang untuk memberi harga opsi sebagai fungsi dari variabel tertentu - umumnya harga saham, harga yang mencolok, volatilitas, waktu sampai kadaluarsa, dividen harus dibayar, dan tingkat bunga bebas risiko saat ini. Baca lebih lanjut tentang model Black-Scholes. Box Spread - Strategi perdagangan berkaki 4 yang kompleks dimaksudkan untuk memanfaatkan perbedaan harga opsi dengan arbitrase bebas risiko. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Spread Kotak. Break-Even Point-harga saham (atau harga) di mana strategi tertentu tidak membuat atau kehilangan uang. Ini umumnya berkaitan dengan hasilnya pada tanggal kedaluwarsa pilihan yang terlibat dalam strategi. Titik impas quotdynamicquot adalah titik yang berubah seiring berjalannya waktu. Luas - Jumlah bersih saham naik dibandingkan yang menurun. Bila uang muka melebihi penurunan luasnya pasar. Bila penurunannya melebihi kemajuan pasar sedang menurun. Breakout - Apa yang terjadi bila harga saham atau rata-rata bergerak di atas level resistance tinggi sebelumnya atau di bawah level support rendah sebelumnya. Kemungkinan besar tren akan terus berlanjut. Bullish - Pendapat di mana seseorang mengharapkan kenaikan harga, baik oleh pasar umum atau oleh keamanan individual. Strategi Opsi Bullish - Berbagai cara untuk menggunakan opsi agar keuntungan dari pergerakan ke atas di saham yang mendasarinya. Baca tutorial tentang Bullish Options Strategies. Bull Call Spread - Strategi opsi bullish yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya dimuka untuk membeli opsi beli agar keuntungan dari saham yang diperkirakan akan naik moderat. Baca Tutorial di Bull Call Spread. Bull Spread - strategi pilihan yang mencapai potensi maksimal jika keamanan yang mendasarinya meningkat cukup jauh, dan memiliki risiko maksimum jika keamanan jatuh cukup jauh. Pilihan dengan harga mencolok lebih rendah dibeli dan satu dengan harga mencolok yang lebih tinggi terjual, keduanya umumnya memiliki tanggal kedaluwarsa yang sama. Entah penempatan atau panggilan bisa digunakan untuk strategi itu. Strategi Opsi Perpustakaan. Bull Trap - Secara teknis belum dikonfirmasi pergerakan ke sisi atas yang mendorong investor untuk bullish. Biasanya mendahului penurunan penting dan sering membodohi orang yang tidak menunggu konfirmasi bentuk oleh indikator lainnya. Butterfly Spread - Strategi pilihan netral yang memiliki risiko terbatas dan potensi keuntungan terbatas, dibangun dengan menggabungkan spread banteng dan spread beruang. Tiga strike price terlibat, dengan dua yang lebih rendah digunakan dalam spread bull dan dua yang lebih tinggi dalam spread beruang. Strategi yang dapat dibangun dengan menempatkan atau memanggil ada empat cara yang berbeda untuk menggabungkan opsi untuk membangun posisi dasar yang sama. Pelajari Segalanya Tentang Spread Butterfly. Buy To Open - Untuk membuat posisi pilihan dengan berjalan lama. Baca tutorial Buy To Open. Hubungi - lihat Opsi Panggilan. Call Broken Wing Butterfly Spread - Kupu-kupu Spread dengan profil riskreward miring yang membuat tidak ada kerugian atau bahkan sedikit kredit ketika stok yang mendasarinya turun ke sisi negatif. Hal ini dicapai dengan membeli pemogokan lebih jauh dari opsi panggilan uang daripada spread kupu-kupu biasa. Baca tutorial Call Broken Wing Butterfly Spread. Hubungi Broken Wing Condor Spread - Spread Condor dengan profil berisiko tinggi yang tidak menimbulkan kerugian atau bahkan sedikit pun kecemasan saat stok yang mendasarinya turun ke sisi negatif. Hal ini dicapai dengan membeli pemogokan lebih jauh dari opsi panggilan uang daripada spread Condor biasa. Baca tutorial Call Broken Wing Condor Spread. Call Ratio Backspread - Strategi trading opsi kredit dengan keuntungan tak terbatas ke atas dan keuntungan yang terbatas terhadap downside melalui pembelian lebih banyak dari panggilan uang daripada dalam panggilan uang adalah korsleting. Baca tutorial tentang Call Ratio Backspread. Call Ratio Spread - Strategi trading opsi kredit dengan kemampuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan saat saham naik, turun atau miring melalui korslet lebih banyak dari panggilan uang daripada di money call yang dibeli. Baca tutorial tentang Call Ratio Spread. Call Time Spread - nama lain untuk Call Calendar Spread. Strategi Pilihan Trading dimana pilihan call jangka panjang dibeli dan opsi call jangka pendek ditulis untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari kerusakan waktu. Baca tutorial tentang Call Time Spread. Called Away - Proses dimana penulis opsi panggilan diwajibkan menyerahkan saham yang mendasarinya kepada pembeli opsi dengan harga yang sama dengan harga strike dari opsi call. Baca tutorial tentang Called Away. Penyebaran Kalender - Jenis strategi perdagangan opsi yang menggunakan kombinasi opsi dengan tanggal kedaluwarsa yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan keuntungan terutama dari kerusakan waktu. Baca semua tentang Spread Kalender. Kalender Straddle or Combination - Strategi pilihan netral yang kompleks yang melibatkan pembelian straddle jangka panjang dan penjualan straddle jangka pendek. Baca semua tentang Kalender Straddle. Kalender Strangle - Strategi pilihan netral yang kompleks yang melibatkan pembelian tali silindris jangka panjang dan penjualan kopling jangka pendek. Baca semua tentang Kalender Strangle. Call Options - Pilihan yang memberi pemegang hak untuk membeli keamanan yang mendasarinya pada harga tertentu untuk jangka waktu tertentu dan tetap. Baca Semua Tentang Opsi Panggilan. Kapitalisasi - Jumlah total surat berharga yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan. Ini mungkin termasuk: obligasi, surat hutang, saham preferen, saham biasa dan surplus. Cash Secured Put - Pilihan opsi singkat yang sepenuhnya tertutup oleh uang tunai yang diperlukan dalam hal penugasan. Baca Semua Tentang Cash Secured Put. Cash Settlement Cash Disampaikan - Pilihan yang, bila dilakukan, memberikan keuntungan secara tunai dan bukan aset yang mendasarinya. Baca Semua Tentang Opsi Tunai Tunai. CBOE - The Chicago Board Options Pertukaran pertukaran nasional pertama untuk perdagangan opsi saham yang terdaftar. CBOE VIX - Lihat VIX. Rantai - Daftar opsi mengutip harga mogok ganda. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Options Chains. Class of Options - Kontrak pilihan dengan jenis dan gaya yang sama yang mencakup aset dasar yang sama. Tutup - Periode pada akhir hari perdagangan dimana harga akhir untuk hari dihitung. Closing Order - Pembelian kembali atau jual dari opsi dimana option trader memiliki posisi berlawanan. Seorang pedagang opsi yang menulis opsi panggilan akan melakukan perintah penutupan dengan membeli untuk menutup opsi panggilan tersebut. Seorang pedagang opsi yang membeli opsi call akan melakukan perintah penutupan dengan menjual untuk menutup opsi itu. Jenis Perintah Pilihan Dijelaskan. Condor Spread - Strategi pilihan netral yang kompleks yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari perdagangan saham dalam kisaran yang telah ditentukan. Baca Semua Tentang Condor Spreads Berikut Contango - Istilah yang berasal dari pasar minyak. Ini terjadi ketika volatilitas di bulan yang akan datang lebih tinggi daripada volatilitas sekuritas yang lebih dekat. Hal ini menunjukkan kondisi pasar yang normal. Contingent Order - Perintah pilihan yang dapat disesuaikan yang memicu kontingen terhadap pemenuhan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Pesanan Kontingen. Koreksi - Bila harga saham turun sementara sebelum rebound nanti. Contract Size - Jumlah underlying asset yang tercakup dalam kontrak opsi. Ini umumnya 100. Jika sebuah opsi dikutip untuk 2.50, maka satu kontrak akan menelan biaya 2,50 x 100 250 dan akan mencakup 100 saham. Kontrak Neutral Hedging - Teknik lindung nilai statis yang melibatkan pembelian 1 put option atau selling 1 call option untuk setiap 1 saham yang dipegang. Read More About Kontrak Neutral Hedging Disini Bertentangan Pendapat - Keyakinan yang berlawanan dengan masyarakat umum dan atau Wall Street. Hal ini paling signifikan pada titik balik pasar utama. Konsensus keseluruhan pendapat, apakah bullish atau bearish, biasanya menandai ekstrem. Investor yang mengambil pandangan sebaliknya biasanya akan mendapatkan keuntungan pada waktunya. Konversi - Transformasi posisi saham lama menjadi posisi yang pendek dengan opsi saham, tanpa menutup posisi stok lama yang asli, melalui penggunaan posisi sintetis. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Konversi. Konsolidasi - Ketika saham mulai bergerak ke samping setelah kenaikan yang signifikan karena investor mulai menjual sebagian kepemilikan mereka untuk mengambil keuntungan. Rentang Kontrak - Harga tertinggi dan terendah yang ditawarkan kontrak opsi. Cari tahu lebih lanjut tentang Rentang Kontrak. Cover - untuk membeli kembali sebagai transaksi penutupan pilihan yang awalnya ditulis. Covered Call Write - strategi di mana seseorang menulis opsi panggilan sambil secara bersamaan memiliki jumlah saham yang sama. Baca Semua Tentang Panggilan Tercakup di Sini Covered Put Write - strategi di mana seseorang menjual opsi put dan bersamaan juga memiliki jumlah saham yang sama dengan keamanan yang mendasarinya. Pelajari Segalanya Tentang Tempat Tercakup. Cover Straddle Cover - istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan strategi di mana investor memiliki keamanan yang mendasarinya dan juga menulis sebuah pengangkangan mengenai keamanan tersebut. Ini bukan posisi yang tertutup. Covered Waran - istilah yang digunakan untuk waran terstruktur yang bekerja hampir sama persis dengan opsi panggilan dan opsi put. Baca tentang Perbedaan Antara Opsi Waran. Kredit - Uang diterima di rekening. Transaksi kredit adalah transaksi dimana hasil penjualan bersih lebih besar daripada hasil pembelian bersih (biaya), sehingga menghasilkan uang ke dalam rekening. Ada banyak pilihan strategi kredit. Baca Semua Tentang Debit Dan Spreads Kredit Disini Credit Spread-A Credit Spread position adalah pilihan spread dimana hasil penjualan bersih lebih besar daripada hasil beli bersih (cost), sehingga membawa uang masuk ke akun. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Spread Kredit. Day Order - Perintah yang akan berakhir pada akhir hari perdagangan jika tidak dijalankan. Baca Semua Tentang Pilihan Pesanan Disini Day trader Daytrader - Pedagang yang membuka dan menutup posisi opsi atau beberapa opsi posisi semua dalam perdagangan yang sama. Day trading Daytrading - Trading methodolody yang melibatkan pembuatan beberapa trading yang dibuka dan ditutup semua dalam trading yang sama. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Options Trading Styles. Debit - Biaya, atau uang yang dibayarkan dari rekening. Transaksi debet adalah satu di mana biaya bersihnya lebih besar dari hasil penjualan bersih. Debit Spread - Option menyebar dimana Anda harus membayar uang untuk dipakai. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Debit Spreads. Peluruhan - Lihat Delay Hasil Peluruhan Waktu - Aset keuangan yang diserahkan ke pemegang opsi saat opsi dieksekusi. Delta - jumlah dimana harga option146 akan berubah untuk perubahan harga yang sesuai oleh entitas yang mendasarinya. Pilihan panggilan memiliki delta positif, sementara opsi put memiliki delta negatif. Secara teknis, delta adalah ukuran sesaat dari perubahan harga option146, sehingga delta akan diubah bahkan untuk perubahan pecahan oleh entitas yang mendasarinya. Akibatnya, persyaratan deltaquot dan deltaquot deltaquot mungkin berlaku. Mereka menggambarkan perubahan opsi146 setelah perubahan harga 1 poin penuh oleh keamanan yang mendasarinya-baik naik atau turun. Deltaquot kuota mungkin lebih besar daripada deltaquot quotdown untuk opsi panggilan, sementara kebalikannya benar untuk opsi meletakkan. Untuk penjelasan lebih rinci tentang Delta dan opsi lainnya, silakan masuk ke Options Delta. Delta Netral - Bila pilihan delta positif dan opsi delta negatif saling mengimbangi untuk menghasilkan posisi yang tidak menghasilkan atau menurunkan nilainya karena saham yang mendasarinya bergerak sedikit ke atas atau ke bawah. Posisi seperti itu akan mengembalikan keuntungan tidak peduli ke arah mana saham mendasar akhirnya bergerak selama pergerakan tersebut signifikan. Pelajari Cara Melakukan Netral Delta Netral. Delta Spread - Rasio spread yang ditetapkan sebagai posisi netral dengan memanfaatkan delta pilihan yang ada. Rasio netral ditentukan dengan membagi delta dari opsi yang dibeli oleh delta dari opsi tertulis. Derivatif - Instrumen keuangan yang nilainya berasal dari nilai dan karakteristik instrumen keuangan lainnya. Contoh derivatif adalah opsi, futures dan waran. Diagonal Call Time Spread - Strategi perdagangan opsi netral yang memanfaatkan terutama melalui peluruhan waktu dengan membeli opsi call money jangka panjang dan shorting jangka pendek dari opsi panggilan uang terhadap mereka. Baca Tutorial Diagonal Call Time Spread. Spread Diagonal - Pilihan tersebar pada jenis yang sama, sama namun bulan kedaluwarsa dan pemogokan yang berbeda. Baca Tutorial Spread Diagonal. Diskon - Opsi diperdagangkan dengan harga diskon jika diperdagangkan kurang dari nilai intrinsiknya. Masa depan diperdagangkan dengan harga diskon jika diperdagangkan dengan harga di bawah harga tunai dari indeks atau komoditas yang mendasarinya. Lihat juga Nilai Intrinsik dan Paritas. Broker Diskon - Perusahaan pialang yang menawarkan tarif komisi rendah. Dapatkan Daftar Broker Opsi Di Sini Dividen - Ketika perusahaan membayar bagian keuntungan kepada pemegang saham yang ada. Bagian keuntungan ini mungkin berupa uang atau opsi. Baca tentang Efek Dividen pada Stock Options. Perlindungan Downside - Umumnya digunakan sehubungan dengan penulisan panggilan tertutup, ini adalah bantalan terhadap kerugian, jika terjadi penurunan harga akibat keamanan mendasar, yang diberikan oleh opsi panggilan tertulis. Sebagai alternatif, dapat dinyatakan dalam jarak pandang saham bisa jatuh sebelum posisi total menjadi kerugian (jumlah sama dengan premi opsi), atau dapat dinyatakan sebagai persentase dari harga saham saat ini. Dynamic Hedging - Teknik lindung nilai yang mengharuskan terus menyeimbangkan kembali untuk mempertahankan rasio lindung nilai. Latihan Dini (tugas) - Latihan atau penugasan kontrak opsi sebelum tanggal kadaluwarsa. Opsi Saham Karyawan - Opsi saham yang diberikan kepada karyawan oleh perusahaan mereka sebagai alat kompensasi dan insentif. Selengkapnya Tentang Opsi Saham Karyawan. Opsi Ekuitas - Opsi yang memiliki saham biasa sebagai keamanan mendasarnya. ETF - Exchange Traded Funds. Dana terbuka yang bisa diperdagangkan berdasarkan bursa seperti saham. ETF memungkinkan investor berinvestasi dalam berbagai instrumen lain seperti emas dan perak seperti berinvestasi di saham. Latihan Eropa - Fitur pilihan yang menetapkan bahwa opsi tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan pada saat kadaluarsa. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada tugas awal dengan jenis pilihan ini. Baca Tutorial Pada Pilihan Gaya Eropa. Latihan - Memanggil hak yang diberikan berdasarkan persyaratan kontrak opsi yang tercantum. Pemegangnya adalah orang yang latihan. Pemegang panggilan berolahraga untuk membeli keamanan yang mendasarinya, sementara menempatkan pemegang latihan untuk menjual keamanan yang mendasarinya. Baca tutorial tentang cara Mempraktikkan Opsi. Batasan Latihan - Batas jumlah kontrak dimana pemegang dapat berolahraga dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Ditetapkan oleh pertukaran opsi yang tepat, ini dirancang untuk mencegah investor atau kelompok investor dari penawaran saham di pasar. Harga Latihan - Harga di mana pemegang opsi dapat membeli atau menjual keamanan yang mendasarinya, sebagaimana didefinisikan dalam persyaratan kontrak pilihannya. Ini adalah harga di mana pemegang panggilan dapat berolahraga untuk membeli keamanan yang mendasarinya atau pemegang put mungkin berolahraga untuk menjual keamanan yang mendasarinya. Untuk opsi yang tercantum, harga pelaksanaannya sama dengan Harga Strike. Return yang Diharapkan - Analisis matematis yang agak rumit yang melibatkan distribusi harga saham secara statistik, kembalinya investor yang diharapkan melakukan investasi jika ingin melakukan investasi yang sama persis sepanjang sejarah. Tanggal Kadaluarsa - Hari dimana kontrak opsi menjadi tidak berlaku lagi. Tanggal kedaluwarsa untuk opsi saham yang terdaftar adalah hari Sabtu setelah Jumat ketiga bulan kedaluwarsa. Semua pemegang opsi harus menunjukkan keinginan mereka untuk berolahraga, jika mereka ingin melakukannya, pada tanggal ini. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Options Expiration. Waktu Kadaluarsa - Waktu dimana semua pemberitahuan latihan harus diterima pada tanggal kadaluarsa. Secara teknis, waktu kadaluwarsa saat ini adalah 5:00 PM pada tanggal kadaluarsa, namun pemegang opsi kontrak publik harus menunjukkan keinginan mereka untuk melakukan latihan paling lambat pukul 17.30 pada hari kerja sebelum tanggal kadaluarsa. Waktunya adalah Waktu Timur. Kedaluwarsa Tidak Berharga - Bila opsi uang kehilangan seluruh nilainya dan akan berakhir pada hari kedaluwarsa. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Expire Worthless. Nilai Ekstrinsik - Juga dikenal sebagai Nilai Premium atau Nilai Sisa. Ini adalah perbedaan antara harga opsi dan nilai intrinsik. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Nilai Ekstrinsik. Nilai Wajar - Istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan nilai opsi atau kontrak futures seperti yang ditentukan oleh model matematis. Fiduciary Call - Pilihan strategi perdagangan yang membeli opsi panggilan sebagai pengganti pelindung atau menikah dimasukkan ke dalam proporsi yang sama. Read More About Fiduciary Calls Here Financial Instrument - Dokumen fisik atau elektronik yang memiliki nilai uang intrinsik atau nilai transfer. Misalnya, uang tunai, saham, futures, opsi dan logam mulia adalah instrumen keuangan. Frontspreads - Pilihan strategi yang dirancang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari kondisi pasar yang netral dimana harga berubah sangat sedikit. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Frontspreads. Analisis Fundamental - Suatu metode untuk menganalisis prospek keamanan dengan mengamati ukuran akuntansi yang diterima seperti pendapatan, penjualan, aset, dan sebagainya. Gamma - Tingkat perubahan opsi saham delta untuk satu unit perubahan harga saham yang mendasarinya. Baca Semua Tentang Pilihan Gamma. Gamma Netral - Posisi yang memiliki nol atau mendekati nilai gamma nol sehingga nilai delta posisi tetap stagnan tidak peduli bagaimana pergerakan stok dasarnya. Baca Semua Tentang Gamma Netral. Ekonomi Goldilock - Ekonomi yang memiliki pertumbuhan stabil dan inflasi moderat yang tidak terlalu panas atau dingin dan memungkinkan kebijakan pasar saham ramah moneter. Bagus sampai Dibatalkan (GTC) - Penunjukan diterapkan pada beberapa jenis pesanan, yang berarti pesanan tetap berlaku sampai diisi atau dibatalkan. Baca Semua Tentang Pilihan Pesanan Disini Pergi Maju - Analis Jargon. Berarti Di Masa Depan. 12 bulan kedepan berarti 12 bulan kedepan. Orang Yunani - Satu set kriteria matematis yang terlibat dalam perhitungan harga opsi saham. Silahkan baca lebih lanjut tentang Option Greek. Grocession - Berkepanjangan periode 0 sampai 2 pertumbuhan PDB yang akan terasa seperti resesi. Hedge - Transaksi yang akan melindungi terhadap kerugian melalui pergerakan harga kompensasi. Baca Semua Tentang Hedging Here Hedge Ratio - Jumlah matematis yang sama dengan delta pilihan. Hal ini berguna dalam fasilitasi bahwa lindung nilai secara teoritis tanpa risiko dapat dibentuk dengan mengambil posisi offset di saham yang mendasarinya dan panggilannya atau opsi put. Baca Semua Tentang Hedge Ratio Disini Volatilitas Historis - Volatilitas pergerakan harga terakhir dari underlying asset. Juga dikenal sebagai Realiz Volatility. Call Time Horisontal - Strategi pilihan di mana jangka panjang pada opsi panggilan uang dibeli dan jangka pendek pada opsi panggilan uang ditulis untuk keuntungan bila stok dasarnya tetap stagnan. Baca tutorial tentang Horizontal Call Time Spread. Horizontal Put Time Spread - Strategi pilihan di mana jangka waktu lebih lama pada opsi put uang dibeli dan jangka pendek pada opsi put uang ditulis untuk keuntungan bila stok dasarnya tetap stagnan. Baca tutorial Horizontal Put Time Spread. Spread Horisontal - Strategi opsi dimana opsi memiliki harga strike yang sama, namun tanggal kedaluwarsa yang berbeda. Volatilitas Tersirat - Ukuran volatilitas saham yang mendasarinya, ditentukan dengan menggunakan harga yang saat ini ada di pasar pada saat itu, daripada menggunakan data historis mengenai perubahan harga saham yang mendasarinya. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Volatilitas Tersirat. Incremental Return Concept - Strategi penulisan call yang tertutup dimana investor berusaha mendapatkan imbal hasil tambahan dari opsi menulis terhadap posisi saham yang ditargetkan untuk dijual-mungkin pada harga yang jauh lebih tinggi. Index - Kompilasi harga beberapa entitas umum menjadi satu nomor. Opsi Indeks - Opsi yang underlying asset adalah indeks, bukan aset keras seperti saham. Sebagian besar opsi indeks berbasis kas. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Index Options. Dalam Uang - Sebuah istilah yang menjelaskan kontrak pilihan yang memiliki nilai intrinsik. Pilihan panggilan adalah in-the-money jika keamanan yang mendasarinya lebih tinggi daripada harga pemogokan panggilan. Opsi put adalah in-the-money jika keamanan di bawah harga strike. Baca SEMUA Tentang Opsi Uang di sini. Nilai Intrinsik - Nilai opsi jika segera berakhir dengan harga pokok pada harga saat ini, jumlah opsi yang ada di dalam uang. Untuk opsi panggilan, ini adalah perbedaan antara harga saham dan harga yang mencolok, jika perbedaan itu adalah angka positif, atau nol sebaliknya. Untuk menempatkan pilihan itu adalah perbedaan antara harga mencolok dan harga saham, jika perbedaan itu positif, dan nol sebaliknya. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Nilai Intrinsik Hari Perdagangan Terakhir - Jumat ketiga bulan kedaluwarsa. Opsi berhenti perdagangan pukul 15:00 waktu Timur pada hari perdagangan terakhir. Leg - (Verb) Metode berorientasi risiko untuk membangun posisi dua sisi. Daripada melakukan transaksi simultan untuk menetapkan posisi (spread, misalnya), trader pertama kali mengeksekusi satu sisi posisi, berharap bisa mengeksekusi sisi lain di lain waktu dan harga yang lebih baik. Resiko terwujud dari kenyataan bahwa harga yang lebih baik mungkin tidak akan pernah tersedia, dan harga yang lebih buruk akhirnya harus diterima. (Noun) Dalam strategi pilihan yang melibatkan banyak pilihan, setiap tipe opsi dikenal sebagai kaki. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Opsi Leg Legging - Memasuki setiap kaki pilihan posisi perdagangan yang kompleks secara terpisah dan terpisah. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Legging LEAPS - Efek Bersifat Ekuitas Jangka Panjang. Cukup katakan, itu adalah pilihan kontrak yang berakhir 1 tahun atau lebih di masa depan. Terkadang kontrak opsi yang kedaluwarsa 6 bulan sampai satu tahun kemudian juga dikenal sebagai LEAPS. Baca lebih lanjut tentangLEAPs. Level II Quotes - Kutipan waktu nyata yang diberikan oleh NASDAQ yang menguraikan tawaran tertentu meminta spread yang diberikan oleh masing-masing pembuat pasar. Baca Semua Tentang Level II Quotes Here. Leverage - Dalam investasi, pencapaian persentase keuntungan dan potensi risiko lebih besar. Pemegang panggilan memiliki pengaruh terhadap pemegang saham - yang pertama akan memiliki persentase keuntungan dan kerugian yang lebih besar daripada yang terakhir, untuk pergerakan yang sama dengan saham yang mendasarinya. Baca Tentang Cara Menghitung Pilihan Leverage. Batasi - Lihat Batas Perdagangan. Limit Order - Perintah untuk membeli atau menjual sekuritas dengan harga tertentu (limit). Baca lebih lanjut tentang Limit Order. Likuiditas Cair - Kemudahan dimana pembelian atau penjualan bisa dilakukan tanpa mengganggu harga pasar yang ada. Baca Tentang Apa yang Mempengaruhi Opsi Saham Likuiditas Berikut Opsi yang Terdaftar - Opsi put atau call yang diperdagangkan di bursa opsi nasional. Opsi yang terdaftar memiliki harga dan tanggal kadaluarsa yang tetap. Panjang - Menjadi panjang adalah memiliki sesuatu. Baca lebih lanjut tentang Posisi Pilihan Panjang. LookBack Options - Pilihan eksotis yang memungkinkan pemegangnya melihat Kembali pada tindakan harga aset yang mendasari saat habis masa berlakunya untuk menentukan harga optimal untuk menggunakan Pilihan Pengucilan. Read More About LookBack Options Disini Margin (saham) - Untuk membeli security dengan meminjam dana dari brokerage house. Persyaratan margin - persentase maksimum investasi yang dapat dipinjamkan oleh perusahaan pialang - ditetapkan oleh Federal Reserve Board. Margin (opsi) - Setoran tunai perlu dilakukan dalam rekening saat menulis pilihan. Baca tutorial lengkap tentang Options Margin. Marked-To-Model - Metode penilaian menggunakan model keuangan untuk aset tingkat 2, yang asetnya kurang likuid yang sulit dihargai karena tidak adanya pasar yang tersedia. Market Maker - An exchange member whose function is to aid in the making of a market, by making bids and offers for his account in the absence of public buy or sell orders. Several market-makers are normally assigned to a particular security. The market-maker system encompasses the market-makers and the board brokers. Read All About Market Makers Here Market Order - An order to buy or sell securities at the current market price. The order will be filled as long as there is a market for the security. Read All About Options Market Order Market On Close (MOC) - An option trading order that fills a position at or near market close. Read All About Options Orders Here Married Put and Stock - a put and stock are considered to be married if they are bought on the same day, and the position is designated at that time as a hedge. Read More About Married Puts Here Mini Index Options - Index options that are only one-tenth the size of regular index options. Read More About Mini Index Options Here Mini Options - Stock options that covers only 10 shares instead of 100 shares. Read More About Mini Options Here Model - A mathematical formula designed to price an option as a function of certain variables-generally stock price, striking price, volatility, time to expiration, dividends to be paid, and the current risk-free interest rate. The Black-Scholes model is one of the more widely used models. Moneyness - The strike price of an option in relation to the prevailing price of the underlying asset. Read More About Moneyness Here Multiple Compression - Where the overall market sell off over a period of time in order to generally reduce PE ratios across the board due to pessimism about the macro economy. Multiple Expansion - Where the overall market rallies over a period of time in order to generally increase PE ratios across the board due to optimism about the macro economy. NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System. It is an electronic market place in USA where securities are listed and traded electronically. Naked Option - see Uncovered Option. Narrow Based - Generally referring to an index, it indicates that the index is composed of only a few stocks, generally in a specific industry group. Narrow-based indices are NOT subject to favorable treatment for naked option writers. Near The Money Options - Options with strike prices near to the spot price of the underlying stock. Read the tutorial on Near The Money Options . Neutral - Describing an opinion that is neither bearish or bullish. Neutral option strategies are generally designed to perform best if there is little or no net change in the price of the underlying stock. Neutral Options Strategies - Different ways to use options in order profit a stock remains stagnant or within a tight trading range. Read the tutorial on Neutral Options Strategies . Non-Equity Option - An option whose underlying entity is not common stock typically refers to options on physical commodities, but may also be extended to include index options. One Sided Market - A market condition where there are significantly more sellers than buyers or more buyers than sellers. In this case, there are not enough buyers putting up offers to buy from sellers or that there are not enough sellers putting up offers to sell to buyers. Open Interest - The net total of outstanding open contracts in a particular option series. An opening transaction increases the open interest, while any closing transaction reduces the open interest. Read More About Volume and Open Interest . Option - The right to buy or sell specific securities at a specified price within a specified time. A put gives the holder the right to sell the stock, a call the right to buy the stock. Options Chains - Tables presenting the various options that a stock offers over various strike price and expiration dates. Read the full tutorial on Options Chains . Options Contracts - Contingent claims contracts that allows its holder to buy or sell a specific asset when exercised. Read the full tutorial on Options Contracts . Options on Futures - Options that have futures contracts as their underlying asset. Read the full tutorial on Options on Futures . Optionable Stocks - Stocks with tradable options. Option Pain - Also known as Max Pain or Max Option Pain. It is the stock price which will result in the most number of options contracts expiring out of the money. Read More About Option Pain . Option Pricing Curve - A graphical representation of the projected price of an option at a fixed point in time. It reflects the amount of time value premium in the option for various stock prices, as well. The curve is generated by using a mathematical model. The delta (or hedge ratio) is the slope of a tangent line to the curve at a fixed stock price. Option Trader - Also known as Options Trader. It is anyone who buys and sells options in the capital market. Read more about Option Traders . Option Trading - Also known as Options Trading. It is the buying and selling of stock and index options in the capital market so as to speculate for leveraged profits in every market condition or perform hedging to reduce portfolio risk. Read more about Option Trading . Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) - The issuer of all listed option contracts that are trading on the national option exchanges. Options Margin - See Margin (Options). Options Trading - The buying and selling of stock and index options in the capital market so as to speculate for leveraged profits in every market condition or perform hedging to reduce portfolio risk. Read more about Options Trading . Options Trader - Anyone who buys and sells options in the capital market. Read more about Option Trading . Options Strategist - An investment professional who specializes in research, analysis and execution of options strategies. Options Symbol - A string of alphabets that define specific options contracts. Can be referred to as the name of an options contract. Read more about Reading Options Symbols. Out of the Money - Describing an option that has no intrinsic value. A call option is out-of-the-money if the stock is below the strike price of the call, while a put option is out-of-the-money if the stock is higher than the strike price of the put. Read More About Out Of The Money Options . Over-the-Counter Option (OTC) - An option traded over-the-counter, as opposed to a listed stock option. The OTC option has a direct link between buyer and seller, has no secondary market, and has no standardization of striking prices and expiration dates. Overvalued - Describing a security trading at a higher price than it logically should. Normally associated with the results of option price predictions by mathematical models. If an option is trading in the market for a higher price than the model indicates, the option is said to be overvalued. Parity - Describing an in-the-money option trading for its intrinsic value: that is, an option trading at parity with the underlying stock. Also used as a point of reference-an option is sometimes said to be trading at a half-point over parity or at a quarter-point under parity, for example. An option trading under parity is a discount option. Physical Option - An option whose underlying security is a physical commodity that is not stock or futures. The physical commodity itself typically a currency or Treasury debt issue-underlies that option contract. Physically Settled Option - An option which the actual underlying asset exchange hands when exercised. Read more about Physically Settled Options. Portfolio - Holdings of securities by an individual or institution. A portfolio may contain options of different stocks or a combination of shares, options and other financial instruments. Position - Specific securities in an account or strategy. A covered call writing position might be long 1,000 XYZ and short 10 XYZ January 30 calls. It also refers to facilitate buy or sell a block of securities, thereby establishing a position. Position Trading - The use of options trading strategies in order to profit from the unique opportunities presented by stock options, such as time decay, volatility and even arbitrage to make safe, fixed, albeit lower profit. Read more about Options Trading Styles . Premium - The total price of an option contract is made up of the sum of the intrinsic value and the time value premium. Even though most people refer to the price of an option contract as the Premium, it is actually an inaccurate expression. The Premium of an option contract is the part of the price that is not intrinsic. Please read more about Options Premium. Premium Over Parity - See Extrinsic Value. Profit Range - The range within which a particular position makes a profit. Generally used in reference to strategies that have two break-even points-an upside break-even and a downside breakeven. The price range between the two break-even points would be the profit range. Profit Table - A table of results of a particular strategy at some point in time. This is usually a tabular compilation of the data drawn on a profit graph. Protected Strategy - A position that has limited risk. A protected short sale (short stock, long call) has limited risk, as does a protected straddle write (short straddle, long out-of-the-money combination). The Ride The Flow System is an example of a protected strategy. Protective Call - An option trading hedging strategy that protects profits made in a short stock position using call options. Read More About Protective call Here Protective Put - An option trading hedging strategy that hedges against a drop in stock price using put options. Read More About Protective Put Here Public Book (of orders) - The orders to buy or sell, entered by the public, that are away from the current market. The board broker or specialist keeps the public book. Market-makers on the CBOE can see the highest bid and lowest offer at any time. The specialist146s book is closed (only he knows at what price and in what quantity the nearest public orders are). Pull back - A temporary fall in price after a rally. The rally usually continues after a Pull Back. This is also known as a Correction. Put Broken Wing Butterfly Spread - A Butterfly Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to upside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money put options than a regular butterfly spread. Read the tutorial on Put Broken Wing Butterfly Spread . Put Broken Wing Condor Spread - A Put Condor Spread with a skewed riskreward profile which makes no losses or even a slight credit when the underlying stock breaks to upside. This is achieved by buying further strike out of the money put options than a regular put condor spread. Read the tutorial on Put Broken Wing Condor Spread . Put - An option granting the holder the right to sell the underlying security at a certain price for a specified period of time. See also Call. Read About Put Options Here . Put Call Parity - Put Call Parity is an option pricing concept that requires the extrinsic values of call and put options to be in equilibrium so as to prevent arbitrage. Put Call Parity is also known as the Law Of One Price. Read About Put Call Parity Here . Put Call Ratio - The ratio of the number of open put options against the number of open call options. The higher the resulting number, the more put options are bought or shorted on the underlying asset. For daily total equity put call ratio, please visit Option Traders HQ. Read more about Put Call Ratio . Put Ratio Backspread - A credit options trading strategy with unlimited profit to downside and limited profit to upside through buying more out of the money puts than in the money puts are shorted. Read the tutorial on Call Ratio Backspread . Put Ratio Spread - A credit options trading strategy with the ability to profit when a stock goes up, down or sideways through shorting more out of the money puts than in the money puts are bought. Read the tutorial on Put Ratio Spread . Quadruple Witching - The third Friday of March, June, September and December when Index Futures, Index Options, Stock Futures and Stock Options expire. This is one of the most volatile trading days of the year, with exceptionally high trading volume. Read all about Quadruple Witching . Quarterlies Quarterly Options - Options with quarterly expiration cycle. Read more about Quarterly Options . Ratio Backspread - Credit volatile options trading strategy that opens up one leg for unlimited profit through selling a smaller amount of in the money options against the purchase of at the money or out of the money options of the same type. Read the Tutorial on Ratio Backspreads . Ratio Calendar Combination - A strategy consisting of a simultaneous position of a ratio calendar spread using calls and a similar position using puts, where the striking price of the calls is greater than the striking price of the puts. Ratio Calendar Spread - Selling more near-term options than longer-term ones purchased, all with the same strike either puts or calls. Ratio Spread - Constructed with either puts or calls, the strategy consists of buying a certain amount of options and then selling a larger quantity of out-of-the-money options. Ratio Strategy - A strategy in which one has an unequal number of long securities and short securities. Normally, it implies a preponderance of short options over either long options or long stock. Ratio Write - Buying stock and selling a preponderance of calls against the stock that is owned. Realize (a profit or loss) - The act of closing a position, incurring a profit or a loss. As long as a position is not closed, the profit or loss remains unrealized. Resistance - A term in technical analysis indicating a price area higher than the current stock price where an abundance of supply exists for the stock, and therefore the stock may have trouble rising through the price. Reward Risk Ratio - A gauge of how risky a position can be by dividing its maximum profit potential against the maximum loss potential. A ratio of above 1 means that the potential reward is higher than the potential loss. Read the full tutorial on Calculating Reward Risk Ratio . Return On Investment (ROI) - The percentage profit that one makes, or might make, on his investment. Return If Exercised - The return that a covered call writer would make if the underlying stock were called away. Return If Unchanged - The return that an investor would make on a particular position if the underlying stock were unchanged in price at the expiration of the options in the position. Reversal - The transformation of a short stock position into a position which is long the stock using options, without closing the original short stock position, through the use of synthetic positions. Read more about reversals and synthetic positions. Reverse Hedge - A strategy in which one sells the underlying stock short and buys calls on more shares than he has sold short. This is also called a synthetic straddle and is an outmoded strategy for stocks that have listed puts trading. Reverse Strategy - A general name that is given to strategies which are the opposite of better known strategies. For example, a ratio spread consists of buying calls at a lower strike and selling more calls at a higher strike. A reverse ratio spread also known as a backspread consists of selling the calls at the lower strike and buying more calls at the higher strike. The results are obviously directly opposite to each other. Risk Graph - A graphical representation of the riskreward profile of an option position. Learn All About Risk Graphs Now Risk Free Return - Profit on a risk free investment instrument such as the Treasury bills. It is a common standard of measuring the opportunity cost of having your money in anything other than Treasury bills. Roll Down - Close out options at one strike and simultaneously open other options at a lower strike. Read the tutorial about Roll Down . Roll Forward - Close out options at a near-term expiration date and open options at a longer-term expiration date. Read the tutorial about Roll Forward . Rolling - A follow up action in which the strategist closes options currently in the position and opens other options with different terms, on the same underlying stock. Roll Up - Close out options at a lower strike and open options at a higher strike. Read the tutorial about Roll Up . Rotation - A trading procedure on the option exchanges whereby bids and offers, but not necessarily trades, are made sequentially for each series of options on an underlying stock. Russell Sage - Renowned American Politician and Financier who introduced OTC call and put options in 1872. Read about the History of Options Trading Security Securities - (finance) A tradable financial instrument signifying ownership in financial assets issued by companies or governments. Such financial assets includes but are not restricted to stocks, bonds, futures and debts. Sell To Close - Closing a position by selling an option contract you own. Learn About Sell To Close Now Sell To Open - Opening a position by selling an option contract to a buyer. Learn About Sell To Open Now Selling Climax - Exceptionally heavy volume created when panic-stricken investors dump stocks. Often this marks the end of a bear market and is a spot to buy. Series - An option contracts on the same underlying stock having the same striking price, expiration date, and unit of trading. Settlement - The resolution of the terms of an options contract between the holder and the writer when the options contract is exercised. Read the full tutorial on Options Settlement. Short (to be short) - To Short means to Sell To Open. That means to write or sell an options contract to a buyer. This gives you the obligation to fulfill the exercise of the option should the buyer decides to do so. Read all about Short Options Positions Short Backspread - Volatile options strategies which are set up with a net credit and unlimited profit potential in one direction. Short Calendar Spread - Volatile options strategies that profit primarily through the difference in time decay of long term and short term options, achieved through writing longer term options and buying short term options. Read the full tutorial on Short Calendar Spreads . Short Horizontal Calendar Call Spread - Short Calendar Spread that uses only call options. Read the full tutorial on Short Horizontal Calendar Call Spreads . Short Covering - The process of buying back stock that has already been sold short. Spread - An options position consisting of more than one type of options on a single underlying asset. Read the full tutorial on Options Spreads. Spread Order - An order to simultaneously transact two or more option trades. Typically, one option would be bought while another would simultaneously be sold. Spread orders may be limit orders, not held orders, or orders with discretion. They cannot be stop orders, however. The spread order may be either a debit or credit. Spread Strategy - Any option position having both long options and short options of the same type on the same underlying security. Static Hedging - A hedging technique where a hedging trade is established and held without needing to rebalance. Stock Options - Options contracts with shares as the underlying asset. Read All About Stock Options. Stock Replacement Strategy - A trading strategy that seeks to reduce risk and volatility through owning deep in the money call options instead of the stock itself and using the remaining cash for hedging. Read All About Stock Replacement Strategy. Stock Repair Strategy - An options strategy that aims to recover lost value in a stock quickly through writing call options against it. Read All About Stock Repair Strategy. Stop Limit Order - Similar to a stop order, the stop-limit order becomes a limit order, rather than a market order, when the security trades at the price specified on the stop. Read All About Options Stop Loss Here Stop Order - A traditional stop loss method which closes a position when a predetermined price is hit. Read All About Options Orders Here Straddle - The purchase or sale of an equal number of puts and calls having the same terms. Strip Straddle - A Straddle with more put options than call options. Read the full tutorial on Strip Straddle. Strap Straddle - A Straddle with more call options than put options. Read the full tutorial on Strap Straddle. Strategy - With respect to option investments, a preconceived, logical plan of position selection and follow-up action. Strike Arbitrage - An options arbitrage strategy that locks in discrepancies in options pricing between strike prices for a risk-free arbitrage. Read More About Strike Arbitrage. Strike Price - The price at which the buyer of a call can purchase the stock during the life of the option or the price at which the buyer of a put can sell the stock during the life of the option. Read More About Strike Prices. Structured Warrants - An alternative to stock options which works almost exactly like stock options and traded in markets such as the Singapore market. See how Structured Warrants Are Traded In The Singapore Market. Support - A term in technical analysis indicating a price area lower than the current price of the stock, where demand is thought to exist. Thus a stock would stop declining when it reached a support area. See also Resistance. Swing Trading - A trading methodology that trades short term price swings for short term profits. Read more about Options Trading Styles. Synthetic Position - A combination of stocks andor options that return the same payoff characteristics of another stock or option position. Synthetic Put - A security which some brokerage firms offer to their customers. The broker sells stock short and buys a call, while the customer receives the synthetic put. This is not a listed security, but a secondary market is available as long as there is a secondary market in the calls. Synthetic Stock - An option strategy that is equivalent to the underlying stock. A long call and a short put is synthetic long stock. A long put and a short call is synthetic short stock. Synthetic Short Straddle - A combination of stocks and call options which produces the same payoff characteristics as a Short Straddle. Read More About Synthetic Short Straddle. Synthetic Straddle - A combination of stocks and call options which produces the same payoff characteristics as a Long Straddle. Read More About Synthetic Straddle. Systematic Risk Systemic Risk - Overall market risk that cannot be diversified away using a diversified portfolio based in the same market. Take Delivery - To fulfill the obligation of buying stocks when put options that you sold becomes exercised. Technical Analysis - The method of predicting future stock price movements based on observation of historical stock price movements. Thales of Miletus - The creator of options back in 332BC. Read about the History of Options Trading Theoretical Value - The price of an option, or a spread, as computed by a mathematical model. Theta - One of the 5 option greeks. Theta determines the rate of time decay of an option contracts premium. For more details on how Theta works and how it is calculated, please visit Option Greeks. Ticker Symbol - Symbol representing the shares and options of a companys shares traded in the stock market. MSFT is the ticker symbol for Micrsoft shares while MSQFB is the ticker symbol for Microsofts June29Call options. Time Decay - The reduction of a stock options extrinsic value as expiration date draws nearer. See Theta above. Read the full tutorial on Time Decay . Time Spread - see Calendar Spread. Read the full tutorial on Time Spreads. Time Value - Also known as Premium Value or Extrinsic Value. It is the difference between an options price and the intrinsic value. Read more about how Stock Options Are Priced. Topping Out - A peak point where the sellers begin to outnumber the buyers. Total Return Concept - A covered call writing strategy in which one views the potential profit of the strategy as the sum of capital gains, dividends, and option premium income, rather than viewing each one of the three separately. Trading Limit - The exchange imposed maximum daily price change that a futures contract or futures option contract can undergo. Trend - The direction of a price movement. A trend in motion is assumed to remain intact until there is a clear change. Triple Witching - Prior to 2001. The third Friday of March, June, September, and December, when stock options, index futures and options on index futures expire. After 2001, the introduction of Single Stock Futures transformed Triple Witching into Quadruple Witching as single stock futures expire on the third Friday of every quarterly month as well. Type - The designation to distinguish between a put or call option. Uncovered Option - A written option is considered to be uncovered if the investor does not have a corresponding position in the underlying security. Underlying Asset - The security which one has the right to buy or sell via the terms of a listed option contract. An underlying asset can be any financial instrument on which option contracts can be written based on. Some examples are. Stocks, ETFs, Commodities, Forex, Index. Undervalued - Describing a security that is trading at a lower price than it logically should. Usually determined by the use of a mathematical model. Variable Ratio Write - An option strategy in which the investor owns 100 shares of the underlying security and writes two call options against it, each option having a different striking price. Vertical Spread - Any option spread strategy in which the options have different striking prices, but the same expiration date. Read the full tutorial on Vertical Spreads . Vertical Ratio Spread - Vertical spreads that buy and short an unequal number of options on each leg. Read the full tutorial on Vertical Ratio Spreads . VIX - An index measuring the level of implied volatility in US index options and is used as a measurement of volatility in the US stock market. Read More About VIX . VIX Options - Non-equity options based on the CBOE VIX. Read More About VIX Options . Volatile - A stock or market that is expected to move up or down unexpectedly or drastically is known as a volatile market or stock. Volatile Strategy - An option strategy that is constructed to profit no matter if the underlying stock moves up or down quickly. Read All About Volatile Option Strategies . Volatility - A measure of the amount by which an underlying security is expected to fluctuate in a given period of time. Generally measured by the annual standard deviation of the daily price changes in the security, volatility is not equal to the Beta of the stock. Read More About Volatility . Volatility Crunch - A sudden, dramatic, drop in implied volatility resulting in a sharp reduction in extrinsic value and hence the price of options. Read More About Volatility Crunch . Volatility Index - Also known as VXN, is an index by the CBOE that measures volatility in the market using implied volatility of SP500 stock index options. Volatility Skew - A graphical characteristic of the implied volatility of options of the same underlying asset across different strikes forming a right skewed curve. Read More About Volatiliy Skew . Volatility Smile - A graphical characteristic of the implied volatility of options of the same underlying asset across different strikes forming the concave shape of a smile. Read More About Volatiliy Smile . Volume - The number of transactions that took place in a trading day. Read More About Volume and Open Interest . Write - To short an option. This is the act of creating a new options contract and selling it in the exchange using the Sell To Open order. The person who writes an option is known as the Writer. Read the full tutorial on Options Writing . WALK LIMITreg Order - WALK LIMITreg is a registered U. S trademark of optionsXpress Holdings Inc. covering securities and commodities trading and investment services and software. One of the services offered under the WALK LIMITreg mark is a type of automated limit order that walks your order from the National Best Bid or Offer (NBBO) in prescribed time and price increments up to (or down to) the asking price (bid price) in order to save you time while attempting to get the best fill prices for the orders. Important Disclaimer . Pilihan melibatkan risiko dan tidak sesuai untuk semua investor. Data and information is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended for trading purposes. Neither optiontradingpedia, mastersoequity nor any of its data or content providers shall be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in the content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Data is deemed accurate but is not warranted or guaranteed. optiontradinpedia and mastersoequity are not a registered broker-dealer and does not endorse or recommend the services of any brokerage company. The brokerage company you select is solely responsible for its services to you. By accessing, viewing, or using this site in any way, you agree to be bound by the above conditions and disclaimers found on this site. Copyright Warning . All contents and information presented here in optiontradingpedia are property of Optiontradingpedia and are not to be copied, redistributed or downloaded in any ways unless in accordance with our quoting policy. We have a comprehensive system to detect plagiarism and will take legal action against any individuals, websites or companies involved. 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In EmpireOption withdrawals are subject to our Account policy: Waiting Period: 7 working days Cost: 25 USD Maximum withdrawal: 2000 units per month Minimum Withdrawal: 100 units Minimum number of operations: 15 Cost of closing account: 50 units Waiting Period: 5 working days Cost: 20 USD Maximum withdrawal: 3500 units per month Minimum Withdrawal: 100 units Minimum number of operations: 10 Cost of closing account: 150 units For Classic Accounts, Plus Accounts, Preferential and Empire Vip, the first withdrawal each month is free of charge. The following withdrawals will have the mentioned cost above. For any type of withdrawal in our platform users must perform a minimum of monthly operations (based on the type of account they have). Such operations are open trades, in the traditional binary operations mode with a minimum investment of 25 (dollarseuros) each. This operations cannot be sold or cancelled before their original closure. 11.B. EmpireOption Bonus Policy EmpireOption offers a number of attractive reward features to its new and regular customers. Bonuses (bonifications) and one time trading credits rewarded to customers are part of EOs promotions program. These bonuses are limited time offers and the terms and conditions associated with any bonus rewards are subject to change. Once the client has accepted any given bonus, the total cash amount in hisher account is subject to the terms conditions of the bonus. In order to withdraw the earnings or any available funds from the account, the client must make operations (in the traditional binary operations mode) that represent a volume 30 times the value of the granted bonus. As an example, a user who receives a bonus of 100 units, must open operations of 3.000 units in order to credit hisher bonus as real money in the balance. Before reaching such amount, the money credited as a bonus works as fake money, prohibiting certain activities, such as withdrawals. For bonuses above 200, certain exceptions could be applied, demanding operations for a volume equal to 50 times the value of the granted bonus. The user can request a bonus within hisher user account. Bonuses are given only under the clients accordance, not being automatic, so the customer is obliged to be informed about this procedure. For a bonus to be properly credited, the client must upload the required documents (receipt or proof of address, Passport or other identity document) to the profile of your personal user account. Any indication of fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, or other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity based on the provision of the bonus will nullify the account and any and all profits or losses garnered. Until not accomplishing the total conditions, the credited amount as bonuses will not be considered as real money, but as a fake amount that enables clients to open operations without being a financial risk for the client. Secure trades Secure trades are a part of promotions program of EmpireOption, and they have same conditions and requirements of granted bonus. As bonus, secure trades are accepted by the customer and are subject to the terms of operations performance for a volume equal or more than 30 times of assured operation accredited. Secure trades are granted on customer conformity, not automatically, so the customer acknowledges this procedure. 11.C. Invite to a friend EmpireOption offers all its active clients (Inviter) the possibility of inviting a friend or friends (inviteeinvitees) to register on the platform through various means (link, email, twitter, Facebook), which will be at the clients disposal. With such motive, a one time 10 bonus based on the new clients (invitee) first deposit is offered, given that the invitee registered via one of the means previously specified. This bonus will be granted by adding credit to the account of the referent with a bonus worth 10 of the invitees first deposit. Said bonus will have a turnover requirement of 1 (In order to withdraw the earnings or any available funds from the account, the client must make operations that represent a volume equal to the value of the granted bonus.), being valid only Traditional Binary operations, which were not cancelled or sold before expiry. A bonus of these characteristics will be given to the Inviter, for each Invitee that registers and makes his first time deposit, and meets all specified requirements. There is no limit to the amount of friends a person can invite. For such a benefit to become effective, the Inviter must claim his bonus by sending an e-mail to accountingempireoption. This bonus will be credited once EmpireOption confirms that the Invitee has opened an account and deposited the minimum amount required, and complied with all the requirements for promotion and customers general conditions. The Invitee must have opened the account only using the aforementioned means, comply with the customers general conditions and have made a deposit within two (2) months of opening the account. After this time, the promotion will be deemed void. Any indication of fraud, manipulation or other forms of fraudulent activity based on the provision of a bonus will result in the nullification of the accounts and any gain or loss generated therein. If the Inviter has already acquired bonuses offered in other existing promotions, all capital present in the account will be subject to the conditions established by the bonus policy, mentioned above. 11.D. Wire Transfer deposits EmpireOption will add founds to your account only after deducting all expenses incidental to the transfer. The remaining balance will be credited to your account. 12. Requirements to withhold Accounts EmpireOption requests its users to comply with certain requirements to maintain the level of their personal accounts. All the new users or users who change their account level after making one or more deposits, will have a period of 1 month maintaining the same account to which they have accessed. To maintain the account level, customers must fulfill the following requirements: The accounts will be analyzed monthly, and the user must fulfill the following monthly averages in their balance and open trades: Micro Account: it has no special requirements Classical Account: 500 units 20 open trades. Plus Account: 1000 units 50 open trades. Preferencial Account . 2500 100 units open trades. Empire VIP: 10000 200 units open trades. The failure to comply with any of these conditions will determine the change of the account level at 1 (one) level per month down to Micro Account. No person shall abuse this site for the purpose of money laundering. EmpireOption employs best-practice anti-money laundering (AML) procedures. EmpireOption reserves the right to refuse to do business with, to discontinue to do business with, and to reverse the transactions of, customers who do not accept or conform to the following AML requirements and policies: Supporting proof of the origin of the funds deposited. Proof of monthly income of the account owner or family. A recent extract from the bank balance of the account holder in EO. Live traders must provide all requested information upon registration. Winnings will only be paid to the individual who initially registered to open a live account. When a customer maintains an account by means wire transfer deposits, winnings will only be distributed to the holder of the originating bank account. When making deposits in this manner, it is the responsibility of the live trader to ensure that the traders account number and registered name of the account owner accompany all transfers to EmpireOption. When a customer funds an account by means of creditdebit card deposits, winnings will only be distributed to the individual whose name appears on the card used to make the deposit and only be paid back to the same card. Only one account is allowed per person. No winnings may be collected on accounts opened in false names or on multiple accounts opened by the same person. EO may, from time to time, at its sole discretion, require a customer to provide additional proof of identity such as notarized copy of passport or other means of identity verification as it deems required under the circumstances and may at its sole discretion suspend an account until such proof has been provided to its satisfaction. EO reserves the right to request documentation not described in this section, but of future importance to recognize the origin of deposited funds. EmpireOption has the highest standards in money-laundering prevention and identification of its clients. Every client that transfers funds to our company must provide personal proof of id such as: identity document, proof of address, and in the case of transferring funds via credit or debit card, copy of front and back (last 4 digits uncovered) of the card, a signed purchase history of your online transactions to be able to operate, apply for bonuses and request withdrawals. 14. 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Communication policy EmpireOption uses a mailing system SMS (mobile messaging), retargeting in social net and display (cookies), system of banners and layers with the objective of informing its clients about changes, special offers and benefits. In case the user decides to unsubscribe from any of these communication channels, Empire Option doesnb4t take responsibility on the information that the user didnt receive. You agree to defend and indemnify EmpireOption and its officers, directors, employees, and agents and to hold them harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your access to or use of the Site or Services (ii) your violation of any of the terms of this Agreement or (iii) your breach of any applicable laws or regulations. 17. Term and Termination The term of the Agreement shall be unlimited, however EmpireOption will be allowed to terminate this Agreement at any time by notice to you. As of termination, you shall not be able to carry out new transactions. 18. Outside Execution System Non authorized Automatic or semi automatic trading mechanism integrated by the client on the browser or client side, that does not involve human execution, will be considered back door API or system abuse that may result to an account suspension andor position cancellation. Positions that were taken in this way are resulted in prices that wouldnt have been accepted or filled in the general market therefore will be consider as an off market transactions which will be resulted in cancellation. Processing provided by Brighton Digital Services Ltd with registered address 1A, Arcade House, Temple Fortune, London, NW11 7TL, United Kingdom. EmpireOption will not be liable in any way to any persons in the event of force majeure, or for the act of any government or legal authority. In the event that any provision in this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. The failure of a party to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. EmpireOption may assign this Agreement or any rights andor obligations hereunder without your consent. EmpireOption may amend the terms of this Agreement from time to time by posting the amended terms on the Site. You are responsible for checking whether the Agreement was amended. Any amendment shall come into force as of the day it was published on the Site. If you do not agree to be bound by the changes to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, do not use or access our Services, and inform us in writing immediately. To participate on this competition you must log in EmpireOption ist die intuitiv zu bedienende, sichere und revolutionre Plattform fr binre Optionen am Online-Finanzmarkt. Werden Sie Hndler von binren Optionen und handeln Sie Aktien, Rohstoffe, Indizes und Whrungen. Werden Sie Teil unseres Broker Academy-Programms und lernen Sie die beste Strategie zum Trading von binren Optionen. EmpireOption will, dass Kunden bei jedem Trade erfolgreich sind. Aus diesem Grund haben wir das Kundensupport-Team mit der grten Erfahrung, das rund um die Uhr an sieben Tagen die Woche zur Verfgung steht, sowie die fortschrittlichste Plattform auf dem Markt. Traden Sie online, ohne jegliche Software auf Ihren Computer, Ihr Smartphone oder Ihr Tablet herunterladen zu mssen. Beginnen Sie mit dem Trading an den Finanzmrkten der Welt, erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes Investment-Portfolio und profitieren Sie von unserer einzigartigen Plattform fr binre Optionen, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Binre Optionen sind der einfachste Weg, in die Welt der globalen Finanzmrkte einzusteigen. Erstellen Sie Ihr eigenes Investment-Portfolio und nutzen Sie unsere Plattform, um Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Binre Optionen sind sehr einfach zu nutzen: Whlen Sie einen Asset, prognostizieren Sie, ob der Kurs hher oder niedriger sein wird, whlen Sie die Ablaufzeit Ihrer Wahl und investieren Sie den von Ihnen gewnschten Betrag. Die Erffnung eines Kontos bei EmpireOption ist kostenlos, und es fallen keine monatlichen Kosten jeglicher Art an. Kein von Ihnen auf der Plattform erffneter Trade zieht irgendwelche Gebhren oder Provisionen nach sich. Wichtiger Risikohinweis: Empire Option bietet Zugang zu einer internationalen Trading-Plattform, die den Handel mit digitalen Optionen ermglicht. Der Handel mit digitalen Optionen kann zum teilweisen oder vollstndigen Verlust der Investition des Kunden fhren. Es wird empfohlen, die Nutzungsbedingungen sorgfltig zu lesen, bevor Sie bei EmpireOption traden. Die auf der Trading-Plattform von EmpireOption angezeigten Assetpreise stellen den Kurs dar, zu dem das Unternehmen an einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt eine Option verkauft. Dieser Kurs kann vom Wert des Assets in Echtzeit oder zu dessen Verkaufspunkt abweichen. Kunden, die mit dem Trading von digitalen Optionen Gewinne erzielen wollen, mssen sich dieser Tatsache bewusst sein. Jeder Kunde muss die Steuergesetze des Landes kennen, in welchem er seinen Wohnsitz hat. ELIGIBILITY: The Services are available to and may only be used by individuals or companies who can form legally binding contracts under the law applicable to their country of residence. Without limiting the foregoing, our Services are not available to persons under the age of 18 andor USA residents. Please be aware that laws regarding financial contracts may vary throughout the world, and it is your entire responsibility to ensure that you fully comply with any law, regulation or directive, relevant to your country of residency to the use of this website.

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